Action URLs not executed by the integrated web server on Shelly 2.5

  • Hello,

    I'm trying to configure a shelly 2.5 to work completely offline, running it's own webserver. All I need is to run some local Action URLs when the switchs are used.

    Just using simple URls, like to turn output 2 for 10s when switch 1 is ON. This works fine when I write in the browser address, but doesn't work when saved in the web interface. I've tried replacing the IP address with localhost but also does not work. Also tried with different button type, different action types, but never worked. It just seems it doesn't reads the URL at all...

    Any hint?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Sorry, but Actions don't work as long as the Shelly is in AP-Mode.

    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
    :!: ich beantworte grundsätzlich keine Fragen per persönlicher Nachricht:!:

  • Thank you for your feedback! It's really a pity though... if the actions work using the browser address bar, would be great to have local actions working also on Shelly when standalone in AP mode.

    Do you see any turnaround to have simple actions when offline? Inputs and outputs are all in the same unit of shelly 2.5, no need to reach other devices.

  • Hi,

    Unfortunately I have not yet found any turnaround... Only works if it has internet access. Really a pity, since I can run those actions with it in AP-mode, through a browser connected to it, so in theory it should be possible...

    If meanwhile you find any solution, please drop a line here.


  • nsdias 10. Januar 2022 um 15:00

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