Shelly HT report URL

  • Hello ,
    Hope someone can help me on this forum. I am really lost.

    I just bought a Shelly HT sensor.
    My plan is to get this device send data to my own server using HHTP or MQTT.
    So I first start with HTTP.
    In my device admin panel , I set a report URL to go to http://MY-SERVER-IP/status

    On the server side I have a script to retrieve the following query string :
    temp for temperature

    hum for humidity

    After many tests, nothing is being sending.

    Today I received this response from Shelly the tech support by email:

    Unfortunately, non of the Shelly devices can be made to report their statuses to a 3rd party server. They are all developed to report on our server.

    The Action URL are for triggering other Shelly devices that share the same home network or are in our cloud.

    Unfortunately, non of the Shelly devices can be made to report their statuses to a 3rd party server. They are all developed to report on our server.

    The Action URL are for triggering other Shelly devices that share the same home network or are in our cloud.

    However I saw on this forum that some people are doing successfully what I am trying to achieve.
    Also the documentation seems to imply that it is possible.

    Can you please share your experience here.
    Will I face the same issue with MQTT ?

    Thank you so much for your help.

  • Some Infos, that might help:

    1) Shelly H&T is almost all time in deep sleep and will report temperature and humidity only once every 12 hours as long as there's no change regarding temperature and humidity.. if you like to test communication I'd recommend to place the device inside a freezer or oven, so the meausred temperature is in a range where the device sends the new values

    2) shortest report time is 10 minutes, even if there's a significant change in temperature or humidity..

    The device supports both variants (HTTP and MQTT) sending values to an external system.

    1) HTTP is done via Actions on the device, you just have to wakeup the device and navigate to the Webinterface:

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    There you'd have to add your own servers URL, e.g. http://mylocalserver/api

    Shelly H&T automatically adds URL parametersor humidity, temperature and battery load by sending GET-Variables "hum", "bat" and "temp", so the final call to your system would be similar to this "http://mylocalserver/api?hum=40&temp=20.10&bat=99"

    If you cannot extract those variables with your own system then there's still the option to use MQTT instead.. it's located under "Internet & Security" - "Advanced Developer Settings"

    Attention: you have to wake up the device and access the Shelly via Webbrowser, MQTT Settings are not visible via Smartphone-App.

    >100 Shellies, darunter so gut wie alles was der Hersteller produziert hat. ;)
    :!: ich beantworte grundsätzlich keine Fragen per persönlicher Nachricht:!:

  • Thank you so much Seven of Nine.
    I am going to follow your advices.
    I guess the Door/Windows 2 sensor work the same way. I need to track closing and opening on my server API.


  • Hello, thanks you for the suggestion.

    I once recorded the behavior of "Report Sensor values". See attach.

    Result: in the case of changes, a request is made in 5-6 minutes, in the case of no change in 10 minutes.

    open points

    Why the Http-Gets are sent twice-> ???

    The temperature is integer (4 digits) vs. API description. It's not a bug it's feature ;-) ??

    Does anyone have an idea about the open points?

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Willi (8. Februar 2022 um 17:42)

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