Randomise switching times

  • Hi All

    I don't know if this has already been discussed, I've searched the forum and web but not found any info.

    Is there anyway to randomise on and off times

    eg start/stop time +/- xMINS when x can be a range from 0 to x mins

    then a random number is generated and added to start/stop time

    +/- random 60mins

    set on to 6:00pm + random 60mins

    set off to 8:00pm + random 60mins


    day1 on 6:11pm - off 8:43pm

    next day on 6:13pm - off 8:21pm

    next day on 6:36pm - off 8:55pm


    just interested to make home look occupied while away by randomly switching lights on/off

    thanks in advance for any advice