Shelly EM power spikes

  • Hello

    I have 10 tasmota plugs and one boiler switch to measure consumption of everything, now bought Shelly EM with two clamps and measures are same: connected one clamp before main breaker and one clamp after main breaker

    Shelly shows power spikes of 1-2 kW but none of tasmota or boiler switch see those spikes

    Shelly shows power spikes on original firmware so I tried tasmota and still spikes present so I reverted to original firmware

    Top is shelly bottom are tasmota plugs and boiler switch

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    I wonder if those spikes are real or shelly misreads and if they are real where is this going to?


  • According to the attached graph, it appears that the device connected to the "Plug Kitchen 5 ENERGY Power" causes jumps that are seen in the upper graph, they have the same pattern.

    If it will not be simple, it simply will not be!

  • According to the attached graph, it appears that the device connected to the "Plug Kitchen 5 ENERGY Power" causes jumps that are seen in the upper graph, they have the same pattern.

    Yes I see it now

    Plug kitchen 5 is refrigirator, when cooling it draws about 80-100 watt

    Meaning every time cooling cycle starts it spikes to 1-2kW and tasmota plugs doesn't see it

    Thank you