Shelly1 wiring problem - spot lights

  • I have two low energy spot lights on a barn that are controlled by two separate PIR movement sensors - with both lights coming on when _either_ PIR is activated. There is no "physical" On/Off switch. I want to add a Shelly1 so that when the Shelly1 is OFF the lights will obey the PIRs, and when the Shelly1 Is ON the lights will come on / stay on.

    I tried the wiring as shown in the attached image, and whilst the Shelly1 relay works fine (controlled from the iOS app), the lights are always on even though the PIRs were not activated. How else should I wire up the Shelly1 ? Perhaps the "switched live" magenta line should be connected to "Sw" rather than "1" ?

    Many thanks. (And for the avoidance of doubt, I _am_ taking great care with isolating everything when working on it). Ignore the green text at the bottom of the attachment - that is how I want it to work in future!

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  • If you are having low energy spot installed and PIR contacts are not 100% dry, it might be that they pass so much Energy, that a low Energy Spot might always be on.

    Here is a "casual" wiring scheme for a PIR:…haltungpir-png/

    (Switch is optional)

    Usually the PIR output is wired to SW input of Shelly.

    If so (with above described behaviour):

    Most probably the PIR's don't offer a 100% dry contact.

    Shelly SW input can be activated by connecting Neutral or Life wire. Therefore the SW input has 50% of operationg voltage on its SW terminal. if switched by use of Neutral this 120VAC will be pulled to zero. If switched by Life it will be pulled up to 240V.

    If the PIR contact isn't 100% dry then the signal on SW input influences the 50% of Line voltage in a way, that Shelly always see a switched input.

    Three options:

    - using PIR's with 100% dry contacts.

    - using interposing relays between PIR output and SW input

    - using a so called "Bukowski-Draht"

    further information of last option can be found here in Forum, this would be to insert a Resistor between PIR output and SW input.

    As this needs to be done/insulated in a propper way, this option needs some skills on electrical work, or a good friend who has it.

    In your sketch it seems that you interchanged I and O connections:

    I should be Line and O should be wired to spot.

    8 Mal editiert, zuletzt von utschu (20. Oktober 2021 um 17:30)