Shelly 1 pm relay stops working

  • My Shelly 1pm that was controlling power consume on a bulb disconnects yesterday without any apparent reason.

    I have N connected and power on L, L1 and tried the 5 times on/off on the switch but I never listen relay noise and I never have power on Output.

    Any way to solve this?

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von jmpnm (14. Oktober 2021 um 14:04)

  • For resetting, did you cycle the supply voltage and then did the 5 times off/on of SW input (within 2st minute), after switching supply on again?

    Yes I tried that, should I listen to relay noise any time I do the on/off on the switch? I don' t listen to any noise.

    Yes, the relay should work after the 5 times pressings.

    It does not work, I have power on SW any time I put switch on, but I never get power on (O) Output and I do not listen to any noise on relay.

    I also can not find it anymore on my wifi network...

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