Error when creating a room, group or scene

  • Im new to the shelly world.

    I just conneted my first shelly dimmer 2, i downleaded the app on my ihpone.

    but every time i try to create a room. group or scene I get an error.

    it happends both at my hpone and when i try to use the shelly cloud on my computer

  • The major companies in the software development industry like Google Inc. or Facebook Inc. have made significant investments in mobile app development. In fact, many of the top software development and networking companies have their own in-house software development teams for developing and releasing applications for the mobile devices. In addition, many entrepreneurs and startups prefer investing in the services of app development companies as they are experts at providing quality mobile apps at competitive prices. However, investing in mobile app development requires careful decisions and proper planning. Here is a list of points that can be considered when planning for a mobile app development project.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von LateHall40653 (28. Oktober 2021 um 19:10)

  • Investing in mobile app development is a smart move for both major companies and startups, but it requires thorough planning and strategy. While companies like Google and Facebook have in-house teams, many startups opt to work with app development firms to benefit from their expertise. In some cases, leveraging augmented staff can be a great approach to fill specific skill gaps without the need for a full-time hire. This allows companies to scale their development efforts while keeping costs in check. Proper planning and collaboration with the right experts are key to a successful mobile app project.