Beginner Q&A "Device off Line" + monitoring elderly

  • I have two motion sensors operating with no issues (short of 1-2 hrs burned connecting the device*) why not set one up to monitor my elderly Dad!? Right when I received the new Shelly motion sensor, one of my motions sensors failed. "Device Off Line".

    I found this which seems to be the solution....for the technically inclined, *which I have proved I am not.

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    So a little Googling I learned what AP mode is on my router and I can access settings on my router... which may be the limit of my technical prowess. I believe that leaves me with two challenges:

    1. going to AP mode on my router (Arris SBG6900)
    2. setting the Motion address to something outside of the routers normal range

    Is anyone aware of "beginner level" instructions to the two above challenges? Or is there a more pedestrian means to get my device back online?
