Shelly cloud-to-cloud SmartThings connection

  • If anyone is interested, I created a cloud-to-cloud integration between SmartThings and My Shelly. You would have to set it up yourself as your own AWS lambda function and enable developer options in the newest SmartThings app, but it works to connect the Shelly 1, 1PM, and 2.5. My code is here :

    My goal in creating it was actually to link *Cortana* with Shelly, but the learning curve in creating a Cortana smart home skill was too steep for me. I was already using SmartThings to connect a few other things to Cortana and the SmartThings integration examples were a little easier to follow, so I went with it. I don't actually have a SmartThings hub, which is why I went with cloud-to-cloud instead of local. It probably wouldn't be too difficult to adapt it to local use with a hub of anyone wanted to.

    It's almost the first thing I've done with node.js, so feel free to comment on any issues you see if you'd like.

    Thank you!