after upgrade shelly 2.5 to level 1.11.0 random disconnects of the network

  • After upgrading my 19 shellies yesterday to level 1.11.0 I noticed that frequently some shellies are no longer on the network. The only way to revive them is a power cycle. What is causing this? Do I need to upgrade to 1.11.4-rc2 ?

    After the power cycle they seem to work again. But some time later it starts again on same or other shelly.
    I do not use the cloud of Shelly but a MQTT Mosquito server which conencts to my home assistant. It worked flawlessly from may this year till yesterday when I upgraded the firmwares.


  • Hi,

    I only had this with one of my Shelly 2.5. Had a few problems with WLAN connection.

    When this happened, I get "status: offline" via Mosquitto MQTT broker.

    Interestingly the Shelly did start sending MQTT messages (temp, current, voltage, ...) after a few minutes. But the state tag gets updated to "online" only once in an hour (default in Shelly MQTT settings).

    I have a support ticket open since beginning of august. After a few request messages in alterco ticket system I triggered someone at Alterco through facebook group. And since yesterday the developers are investigating.

    Maybe you could check if the Shelly are sending there MQTT tags but the state is set to offline. As long as the state is offline, Home Assistant mark him also as offline.

  • This morning again maultiple disconnects. The shellies do no longer send messages to the mqtt broker. Also they do not respond on ping or anything.

    I can bring them back with a power cycle or by globally stop/start my wifi.

    I need a solution for this. I will make a wireshark network trace of the shellies.

    One thing I noticed is the large number of messages that is send to the mosquitto mqtt broker. There is no status changes (all are cover shutter) so why so many messages. Maybe that brings the mongoos’ out of memory ?

  • this afternoon again a disconnect of a shelly 2.5. It has a very good wifi signal with RSSI of -62 dBm. In order to further pinpoint the error I have yesterday the network traffic lowered by disabling Coiot (so only using MQTT with a refresh interval of 600 seconds). So now only MQTT is used for the shellies. I also opened a ticket at supportdesk of shelly but no progress till now. It surely has something todo with the firmware: when I upgraded last week to v1.11.0 it also started. Before I ron for at least 6 months without any error...

  • Hi!

    Same problem also with several Shelly 1 and one Shelly 2.5...

    Randomly disconnected from wifi, although wifi signal is really good (RSSI -45 dBm). Shellys don't respond to ping, until a power off-on is done, or a reset of all wifi system (reboot of the AP).

    I've set a daily AP reboot at night, and it helps, but every day at least one of my 6 Shellys is unresponsive after several hours.

    As I've seen of the forum the problem is the firmware from months ago, so I've downgraded Shelly 2.5 to 20200601-122849/v1.7.0@d7961837 in order to test stability some days.

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