Hi there.
I want to install a Dimmer2 to dim my ceiling lamp, which is LED and has a 12V led driver in-line.
Do I connect the Dimmer2 before the Driver or after the Driver?
Hi there.
I want to install a Dimmer2 to dim my ceiling lamp, which is LED and has a 12V led driver in-line.
Do I connect the Dimmer2 before the Driver or after the Driver?
you can not use dimmer 2 with 12v led light , the only option to use rgbw2 after the driver which will support 12V or 24 V led light's
Hi thanks. Actually, the supply to the ceiling lamp from the wall socket is 240v, and then this is converted to 12v within the lamp itself by its in-built transformer/driver.
So my question is, would I install the Dimmer2 inside my wall switch (so at 240v) to be able to dim the light, or do I install further up the line after the 12v transformer/driver?
Can you share with us a photo of you lamb so we can understand your question
Dimmer2 is 110/230v, so you'd have to install the device before the LED driver (must be dimmable) within the 230v cirquit .. (e.g. inside the wall switch)
Another option (as already mentioned): Use Shelly RGBW2 within the 12v cirquit.