Shelly i3 Needs to update but can't

  • Hello,

    I have successfully installed 4+ shelly i3's without a problem.

    I recently installed one yesterday and when I went to update the farmwear, the settings tell me that I have the current firmware installed with (202000421-183805/master@d834f204) which I think is strange. The main problem is when go to add I/O URL actions it tells me that I cant until I update the latest firmware. When I look at the firmware of the already working and installed i3's, they all have a firmware of 2021049-102403/v1.10.4-g3f94cd7, which is what I would expect to see.

    I've tried OTA approach to the latest farmwear which hasn't worked. I also cant see a firmware achive for the i3.

    Can someone please help me,

    kind regards,


  • Wandering#Sound#94 26. Juli 2021 um 06:32

    Hat das Label von Shelly Dimmer 2 auf Shelly I3 geändert.
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Hi Dave,

    the I3 firmware has been temporarily removed from the archive because there were problems with the current version if you updated directly from a version <1.9.x to 1.11.x.

  • I've solved this problem by using this fix:

    easy fix for broken Shelly Uni and Shelly I3 after update from out of the box firmware to fw. 1.11 - Shelly Firmware Update - Official Shelly Support Forum (