Physical switch not in sync with app

  • I have set up a Shelly 1 with my ceiling lights in the garage. I have connected it to my existing 2 way light switches. That all works fine. The problem I have is when the lights are turned on via the app or a scene and the the physical switch is flipped the lights don’t turn off, the switch then needs flipped again for the lights to turn off. I have the button type set as a toggle. What have I missed? I would have expected a single flick of the switch to toggle the state of the relay.

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    Button Type on EdgeSwitch?

  • Thank you! You are right. I had the Power On Default Mode set as Switch which disables the EdgeSwitch option. I changed the power on default to Restore Last Mode and changed the Button Type to Edge Switch and it worked as expected.

    Thanks for your help again. So many options with Shelly!
