Standalone switch for Home assistant

  • Hi!

    I have a Shelly 2.5 that I want to install on a 2 pulse button wall switch.

    When I press a button, I just want the Shelly to send a trigger to Home Assistant, and there I will decide what to do.

    Just that! So no other lamps to connect to directly.

    On the wall I have Neutral and Phase for the Shelly.

    Is this possible? How would the circuit look like?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Zur hilfreichsten Antwort springen
  • Hi,

    you will find the wiring in section "Lexikon" part "connection diagram". For your project you don't have to connect the load.

    And in part "Http-Requests" of the "Lexikon" you will find some pattern for the message you will create.

    Good luck

    Viele Grüße,


    .Nach einem Job mit viel Kurzarbeit, dann Corona bin ich seit einiger Zeit wieder in meinem erlernten Beruf als Elektriker in der boomenden PV-Branche gelandet. Da bleibt kaum noch Zeit mich um die eigenen Smarthome-Ideen zu kümmern... Naja - nicht mehr lange... der Ruhestand winkt schon am Ende des Jahres 2025...

  • Hi Eulhofer,

    Thanks for your reply!

    The diagrams I see all have lamps, shutters or some other kind of device. I just want the switches and the Shelly.

    You say I don't have to connect the load, which terminals you mean exactly?


    • Hilfreichste Antwort

    The diagrams I see all have lamps, shutters or some other kind of device. I just want the switches and the Shelly.

    You say I don't have to connect the load, which terminals you mean exactly?


    exactly what you wrote: No load as lamps, shutter or other kind of device...

    Just connect the supply and the switch... thats it.

    Viele Grüße,


    .Nach einem Job mit viel Kurzarbeit, dann Corona bin ich seit einiger Zeit wieder in meinem erlernten Beruf als Elektriker in der boomenden PV-Branche gelandet. Da bleibt kaum noch Zeit mich um die eigenen Smarthome-Ideen zu kümmern... Naja - nicht mehr lange... der Ruhestand winkt schon am Ende des Jahres 2025...

  • Ok, clear, so it will be something like this then:

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    Will be trying this soon. Thanks for your help Eulhofer!

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