Shelly can't be updated

  • Hi,

    I purchase a Shelly H/T. (I've already 2 others working well since one year).

    I tried to update without success, i need the last update because i want to push data with http call, (available with the last version).

    Shelly come with this firmware version, 20181128-144724/???

    Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen.

    Update from app doesn't work, start "updating", then device disapear. In fact, you can't keep the device unupdated.

    I try with firmware archive tool:…


    status is updating, but nothing is done.

    Der Inhalt kann nicht angezeigt werden, da Sie keine Berechtigung haben, diesen Inhalt zu sehen.

    I even try with a local http server providing the


    - Wifi working good and inclusion works

    - Usb cable (i take it from the other H&T)

    Before contacting and returning this one, have you got an idea ?

    Tips: Cloud icon in the interface is yellow.



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    the device has an specific ID EG 123456 (short) or idk 123456789 (long)

    Some devices can't be updated with the short id

    Only for linking if it is short

    18. Februar 2020 um 17:33
  • So, to close this thread.

    Fix with ota update not working for me.

    I succeed, by connecting to my direct IPN router, previously i was connected to my secondary router (behind opensens).

    Update has been detected automatically, and i succeed to update the HT.

    Thank you.