Hi, I have a simple system with only these two devices installed.
The Plus 1 relay turns on/off our building Air Conditioner it has a schedule set up to start and stop the AC unit, this has been working for some time.
I recently installed a Plus H&T to create some more control, the intent is to create a minimum temp that will turn the unit off when reached and then a max temp that will turn the unit back on. Effectively becoming a thermostat during business hours.
I added the Actions to the H&T, set up the webhooks and tested, this works fine. But the Active Time, does not seem to work and the unit runs 24 hours. Also, the off schedule on the Plus 1 stops working.
If I remove the Actions from the H&T, the Plus 1 schedule works properly again.
Can anyone assist with what I have done incorrectly or missed in this set up?